About the Project
About the Project
Data Mining and Value Creation
Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW
Leipzig University
Pilot Projects
Pilot Projects
Using existing knowledge to configure chatbots
Providing an overview of complex IT infrastructures
From unstructured data to product properties
New data platform for renaturation projects
Optimizing processes through user-oriented (partially) automated reporting
Structuring large amounts of data into data containers and deriving suitable business models
Increased customer reach and optimized customer experience: Digitization of the in-house fair for a tool wholesaler
Platform for balancing production capacities – Multi-stakeholder case in tool wholesale
Optimized demand forecasts and customer approaches in pest control
Optimization of production processes in machine tool manufacturing
From connectivity to digital revenue
Ideas for data use
Competencies for databased value creation
Selling digital solutions
Exchange of experiences for companies in the Covid-19 crisis
Opportunities for the service business in the Covid-19 crisis
Research Results
Research Results
2030 – Data-based Value Creation in Germany
“For how much money would you give up a particular digital service for a month? “
Changes in small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) made easy
Using data successfully
Production processes
Demand forecast
Personalization of offers
Risk management
Receivables management
Selling data
Quality assurance
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A processes)
Shelf optimization
Product development
Personnel planning
Customer communication
Willingness to buy
Logistics processes
Choice of location
Fraud forecast
Predictive maintenance
Product range design
Cancellation forecast
New services
Selling data expertise
Data-based business models
Prof. Dr. Gebauer presents “Data Mining and Value Creation” in the working group Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Start of the research project "Data Mining and Value Creation" focuses on the value of data for companies
Heiko Gebauer is guest editor at Industrial Marketing Management
Data Mining and Value Creation at the Research Day of the Fraunhofer IMW
How does the future work?
“The user perspective is very citizen-empowering to me”
“Industry 4.0 is slowly becoming reality”
Spring Servitization Conference 2019
New articles published in connection with Data Mining and Value Creation
Presentation on data economy at the World Bank
How the digital transformation is changing businesses
Impulse paper for industry 4.0
Digitization in Industry: Scientific Works in the Data Mining and Value Creation project
Lecture session on “Data Mining and Value Creation” at NET19
“Digitization is not a value in itself”
Article on “Internet of Things” in production companies
Digital platforms - impact and benefits for SMEs
Keynote lecture for start-up founders
Digital transformation and innovation in Saxony
Inspired workshop at the 18th Forum INNOVATION
Session on “Data Mining and Value Creation” at NET19
Blockchain between myth and application
Do innovations die in sales?
Lecture on the future of value creation in Saxony
Europe's place in the global platform economy
“Covid-19 as a catalyst for digital change”
Spring conference in late summer
“We are using the results from the cooperation with the project team”
Virtual reunion for the focus group
Europe 4.0: Opportunities and challenges of digital technologies in Europe
Understanding business model dynamics, enhancing revenue
Best Paper Award 2020 of the Fraunhofer IMW
Well-visualized data sets support renaturation projects
Data-based value creation with DAVIE and pilots
“Our research areas in the Data Mining and Value Creation project continue to be very relevant in the international research community”
How companies create new value from their data
Press Releases
How companies create new value from their data
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About the Project
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Data Mining and Value Creation
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Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW
Leipzig University
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Pilot Projects
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Using existing knowledge to configure chatbots
Providing an overview of complex IT infrastructures
From unstructured data to product properties
New data platform for renaturation projects
Optimizing processes through user-oriented (partially) automated reporting
Structuring large amounts of data into data containers and deriving suitable business models
Increased customer reach and optimized customer experience: Digitization of the in-house fair for a tool wholesaler
Platform for balancing production capacities – Multi-stakeholder case in tool wholesale
Optimized demand forecasts and customer approaches in pest control
Optimization of production processes in machine tool manufacturing
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From connectivity to digital revenue
Ideas for data use
Competencies for databased value creation
Selling digital solutions
Exchange of experiences for companies in the Covid-19 crisis
Opportunities for the service business in the Covid-19 crisis
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Research Results
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2030 – Data-based Value Creation in Germany
“For how much money would you give up a particular digital service for a month? “
Changes in small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) made easy
Using data successfully
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Production processes
Demand forecast
Personalization of offers
Risk management
Receivables management
Selling data
Quality assurance
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A processes)
Shelf optimization
Product development
Personnel planning
Customer communication
Willingness to buy
Logistics processes
Choice of location
Fraud forecast
Predictive maintenance
Product range design
Cancellation forecast
New services
Selling data expertise
Data-based business models
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Prof. Dr. Gebauer presents “Data Mining and Value Creation” in the working group Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Start of the research project "Data Mining and Value Creation" focuses on the value of data for companies
Heiko Gebauer is guest editor at Industrial Marketing Management
Data Mining and Value Creation at the Research Day of the Fraunhofer IMW
How does the future work?
“The user perspective is very citizen-empowering to me”
“Industry 4.0 is slowly becoming reality”
Spring Servitization Conference 2019
New articles published in connection with Data Mining and Value Creation
Presentation on data economy at the World Bank
How the digital transformation is changing businesses
Impulse paper for industry 4.0
Digitization in Industry: Scientific Works in the Data Mining and Value Creation project
Lecture session on “Data Mining and Value Creation” at NET19
“Digitization is not a value in itself”
Article on “Internet of Things” in production companies
Digital platforms - impact and benefits for SMEs
Keynote lecture for start-up founders
Digital transformation and innovation in Saxony
Inspired workshop at the 18th Forum INNOVATION
Session on “Data Mining and Value Creation” at NET19
Blockchain between myth and application
Do innovations die in sales?
Lecture on the future of value creation in Saxony
Europe's place in the global platform economy
“Covid-19 as a catalyst for digital change”
Spring conference in late summer
“We are using the results from the cooperation with the project team”
Virtual reunion for the focus group
Europe 4.0: Opportunities and challenges of digital technologies in Europe
Understanding business model dynamics, enhancing revenue
Best Paper Award 2020 of the Fraunhofer IMW
Well-visualized data sets support renaturation projects
Data-based value creation with DAVIE and pilots
“Our research areas in the Data Mining and Value Creation project continue to be very relevant in the international research community”
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How companies create new value from their data
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Press Releases
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How companies create new value from their data