On November 12 and 13, 2019, the 18th INNOVATION Forum of the Platform for Innovation in Germany (PFI-D) took place in the Fraport Forum of Frankfurt Airport and in the House of Logistics and Mobility (HOLM). Over two days, around 300 cross-industry specialists and managers from business and science discussed future topics such as digitization, collaboration and cross-innovation. On site: a team from the Data Mining and Value Creation project.
However, the project was not only to be found at their own information stand. In the workshop “From connectivity to (digital) turnover” Sonja Ries presented how companies can create new digital turnover with data gained through connectivity. “I particularly liked the lively discussion and exchange atmosphere,” says Sonja Ries, a research associate in the Data Mining and Value Creation project.
The workshop is part of a workshop series “Digital Transformation”. It is aimed at companies that want to deal with data-based value creation internally or in exchange with other companies.