With that in mind, Erik Ackermann explained ten blockchain myths at the beginning of the event. He talked about the close interlocking with Bitcoin, automated transaction protocols – so-called Smart Contracts – and the security of the technology.
Our colleagues from Fraunhofer FIT, Prof. Dr. Thomas Rose and Thomas Osterland, provided a playful approach to the topic. Using the interactive Musikbox (jukebox) application, they showed how coordination processes work on the blockhain by selecting songs. The participants were able to agree on a common consensus – Yesterday by The Beatles.
Afterwards the practitioners had their say. Andy Völschow from WSW Energie & Wasser AG in Wuppertal impressively illustrated how the energy industry is changing. It is increasingly becoming an enabler by providing an energy marketplace. Blockchain technology is used here to distribute data storage.
Ricardo Rohland from join GmbH and Alexander Wäntig from the Ernst Abbe University in Jena used a “Blockchain apple spritzer” as an example to show how the technology ensures transparency. Customers can thus easily follow the route from apple harvesting, transport and juice pressing to filling and storage.
At the end of the event, it got once again lively. In two interactive formats for recognizing Blockchain-relevant processes in their own company and on the subject of Smart Contracts, the workshop participants were able to formulate their own ideas and discuss questions together. The workshops were conducted with the kind support of Sorin Simplaceanu, Peter Ehrmann and Patrick Charrier of dCentra UG, our colleague Dr. Christian Leyh and Manelin Moarref of the Blockchain Center of Frankfurt School.
Erik Ackermann, who organized the event, is satisfied: “The Blockchain topic is still in its infancy. With our event format, we want to contribute to anchoring the topic in science, business and society at an early stage, as we are convinced of the potential of the technology. We are very pleased about the numerous participants and the positive feedback in the aftermath of the workshop”. /tw
Take a look at the workshop (video in German)