Spring Servitization Conference 2020

Three research fellows from the project Data Mining and Value Creation were involved: Alexander Arzt, Philipp Kögler and Lino Markfort. They submitted a total of three papers, all of which were accepted:
The three scientists presented their contributions at the conference and then answered questions from the international scientific community. The papers have been published in the proceedings of the conference and can be downloaded here.
The digital organization of the conference worked very well. From a virtual lobby, the participants could switch to the different formats of the conference. One auditorium featured practical presentations (from Xerox, Alstom, Rolls-Royce, Thales, among others), while another auditorium featured presentations from the world of science (on topics such as Digital Servitization, Value Co-creation, Digital Capabilities & Competences). Experienced scientists moderated the auditoriums.
Questions were asked and answered live during the presentations via the Q&A chat. Via various chat rooms on the network platform, representatives of the Data Mining and Value Creation team were able to get in touch with other conference participants, the organization team and exhibitors. In the digital exhibition hall, virtual company stands offered a wide range of information and contact opportunities. In addition, the poster of the Data Mining and Value Creation team was part of a research poster exhibition.
The Spring Servitization Conference (SSC) is organized annually by Aston Business School in Birmingham under the direction of Prof. Tim Baines, a luminary in the field of Servitization and Advanced Services. After Linköping in 2019 and Birmingham in 2020, the organizers hope to hold an in-person conference in Florence in 2021.