Using data successfully

In keeping with the Data Mining and Value Creation project, here you will find a way of using data behind each tile. These descriptions are intended as entertaining inspiration for companies, researchers and other interested parties. They provide an initial overview of where data has already found or can find its way into value creation processes.

This gives you an insight into upcoming research results right now. To this end, the researchers have compiled a database of possible uses for data (so-called use cases) over the past few months. The database was built with the help of interviews, literature research (annual reports, case studies, white papers from associations and other institutions, scientific publications, etc.), and from workshops and pilot projects conducted as part of the project. The researchers have divided these application examples into categories. Have fun exploring!

Production processes

Demand forecast

Personalization of offers


Risk management

Receivables management

Selling data

Quality assurance

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A processes)

Shelf optimization

Product development

Personnel planning

Customer communication

Willingness to buy

Logistics processes

Choice of location


Fraud forecast

Predictive maintenance

Product range design

Cancellation forecast

New services

Selling data expertise

Data-based business models

Use your experience to help other companies build data-based value creation – for a strong and future-oriented business location!

The database of data usage ideas currently comprises around 250 use cases and is being actively updated. Let us do this together and write us here which data-based value creation ideas are already being used or planned in your company or organization. 

* Required

We are also happy to enter into an individual cooperation with you beyond this.

Are you interested in working with us in a pilot project?

Would you like to attend a workshop?


Sebastian Haugk

Contact Press / Media

Dr. Sebastian Haugk

Team Lead Concept and Method Delevopment Data Mining and Value Creation

Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW
Martin-Luther-Ring 13
04109 Leipzig, Germany

Phone +49 341 231039-153

Fax +49 341 231039-9153